Welcome to mogu’s documentation!

This is a numerical packages collecting various routines of numerical algorithms.

I tried to make each file to be independent of each other. If there are functions that are universally used, they will be put into the package mogu.util. However, I try my best to keep the number of these functions as few as possible.


  • Association rule using apriori algorithm;
  • Binomial tree algorithm for European and American options pricing;
  • Exponential and sigmoid curve fitting;
  • Simulated voltage for networks; (moved to new package [graphflow](https://github.com/stephenhky/GraphFlow) since release 0.1.12)
  • Google Page rank; (moved to new package [graphflow](https://github.com/stephenhky/GraphFlow) since release 0.1.12)
  • Voter rank: Wilson’s score;
  • Dynamic programming: Damerau-Levenshtein distance;
  • Topological data analysis; (implementation moved to [moguTDA](https://github.com/stephenhky/MoguTDA) since release 0.1.13)
  • Gini coefficients;
  • Multivariate Gaussian distribution sampling;
  • probability crosswalk;
  • PySpark dataframe to dict.

Github: Github


To install: type on command prompt: pip install -U mogu


Indices and tables